Our Services

Honest DPC offers a refreshingly straightforward approach to primary care. Our services include comprehensive family medicine, personalized wellness plans, and chronic disease management. We ensure timely and direct access to your physician, same or next-day appointments with minimal wait times, and a clear pricing structure with no hidden fees. Our commitment to transparency and communication means you'll always receive honest advice and care tailored to your unique needs.

Annual Wellness Visits

Comprehensive yearly check-ups, designed to keep track of your health status, prevent diseases, and tailor a wellness plan that suits your unique needs.

Health Maintenance / Preventative

Safeguard your health before issues arise, through routine screenings, educational advice, and preventive strategies to keep you in optimal health.

Sports/School Physicals

Ensure you or your child are ready and safe to participate in school activities or sports programs.

Mental Health

Your mental well-being is as important as your physical health. We're here to support you with services that include mental health evaluations, counseling, and personalized therapy options.

Well Child Care

Regular assessments that monitor your child's growth and development, ensuring they stay on a healthy path as they grow.

Acute Care / Sick Visits

When you're unwell or facing an urgent health concern, we're here to provide prompt and effective care for issues like infections, injuries, or any new symptoms that need immediate attention.

Chronic Disease Management

Ongoing care and support for patients with chronic health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, and others, including medication management, lifestyle advice, and regular monitoring.


In-office medical procedures including EKGs for cardiac assessment, minor laceration repair, skin biopsies, wart removal, incision/drainage, earwax removal, women’s health services like PAP/HPV tests, and more.